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Related article: Participants. Twenty-five European American graduate students (10 males, 15 females) and 27 international Chinese graduate students (14 males, 12 females, data missing) at the University of Michigan participated in the study. The mean ages of Americans and Chinese were 24.3 and 25.4 years, respectively. All of the Chinese participants were born in China and Lovegra Online had completed their undergraduate degrees there. Participants from the two cultures were matched on age and graduate fields of study. Participants were graduate students from engineering, life sciences, business programs, and, in few cases, from the social sciences. Recruitment e-mails were sent to Chinese student organization as well as to different graduate academic departments. Volunteers were each paid $14.00 for their participation in the study. Materials. A collection of animals, nonliving things, and background scenes was obtained from the COREL image collection (Corel, Eden Prairie, MN) and few were obtained from previous study (6) The pictures were manipulated by using PHOTOSHOP software (Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA) to create 36 pictures of single, focal, foregrounded objects (animal or nonliving thing) with realistic complex backgrounds. The final set of pictures contained 20 foregrounded animals and 16 foregrounded nonliving entities, e.g., cars, planes, and boats (see Fig.1 for examples of the pictures shown). The set was composed mostly of culturally neutral photos, plus some Lovegra For Women Western and Asian objects and backgrounds. This set of 36 pictures was used in the study phase, during which the eye Buy Lovegra Online movement data were collected. For the recognition-memory task, the original 36 objects and backgrounds together with 36 new objects and backgrounds were manipulated Lovegra Price to create set of 72 pictures. Half of the original objects were presented with old backgrounds and the other half with new backgrounds. Similarly, half of the new objects were presented with old backgrounds and the other half with new backgrounds. This procedure resulted in four picture Lovegra 100mg combinations: (i) 18 previously seen objects with original backgrounds, (ii) 18 previously seen objects with new backgrounds, (iii) 18 new objects with original backgrounds, and (iv) 18 Generic Lovegra new objects with new backgrounds. This set of 72 pictures was used in the object-recognition phase. All participants saw the same set and sequence of trials to make comparisons of performance comparable. Procedure. Study phase. The participants sat on chair and placed their chin on chin rest to standardize the distance of the head from the computer monitor. The distance of the chin rest from the monitor was 52.8 cm. The size of the monitor was 37.4 cm. At the start of the session, Lovegra Uk participants wore 120-Hz head- mounted eye-movement tracker (ISCAN, Burlington, MA) and eye-tracking calibration was established before the presentation of stimuli. After this calibration, participants were given instructions on the screen. They were informed that they would be viewing several pictures, one at time. Before each picture was presented, blank screen with cross sign (+) was to appear. Participants were told to make sure that they looked at that cross sign. Once the picture appeared, they could freely move their eyes to look at the picture. For each of the pictures, participants verbally said number between and 7, indicating the degree to which they liked the picture (1, don't like at all; 4, neutral; 7, like verymuch).^ These instructions were followed by several screens showing sample of how the task would proceed. Once ready, participants started the actual task of viewing Cheap Lovegra the 36 pictures. Each picture was presented for 3 s. Afterward, participants engaged in several distracter tasks for about 10 min. Participants were moved to different room and, for example, asked to do backward-counting task, subtracting starting from 100 Buy Lovegra until they reached zero. [^The Chinese participants gave higher liking ratings than did the Americans (Ms, 4.64 vs. 4.16; 0.005).] Object-recognition phase. Participants were brought back to the computer room to complete recognition-memory task. Participants were told that they would be viewing pictures. Their task was to judge as fast as they could whether they had seen Lovegra Tablets